The Jen Saga

In April 2005 the legend of the FF7 House would first grace the internet, first through a LiveJournal post by author Icarus and then through his own personal website, standing to this day as a stark warning reminding others to be careful who they trust on the internet, because you could be talking to Jen Cornet

What is this?

The Jen Saga is an ongoing mini-series that will unfold through our regular programming, as Cayla (one of our hosts) dives deeper into the ever-growing list of tales told by the survivors of Jen Cornet.

This series focuses on the survivors themselves, their stories and who they are today. Admiring their strength and acknowledging the effect their encounter has had on their life.

This is not an easy story to tell, discussions of abuse (mental, emotional, sexual, physical, childhood) will be frequent so please heed the warnings at the beginning of each episode

We hope you find their stories as inspiring as we do, and that maybe, just maybe they can give someone the courage to speak out about or get out of a bad situation

If you have a story to share you can reach out to us here

The Story So Far

Below is a chronological list of events as they've been covered on the show so far

Final Fantasy 7 is released


Summer 2001

Jen and Jack hand-fasting

Jen and Jack get married via hand-fasting, Marley is in attendance

Oct 30 2001

Jack/Hojo launches

Dec 1 2001

Jen joins the Hojo fandom

Reading Theo's fanfiction, Jen reaches out, accidentally contacting Jack/Hojo instead and worming her away into the group

Winter 2001/2002

Icarus moves in with Jack/Hojo and Jen

This would last ~2 months. Icarus wrote some journals at this time

Summer 2002

Jen hosts Thanksgiving Dinner

Last time that Marley hangs out with Jen and Jack

Oct 13 2003

Eliot meets Angel, Jen and Hojo online

He would join their Hellsing roleplay group


Eliot's stay in State College

A pit stop to a new life became a month long nightmare


Reno meets AJ at Otakon

June 2004

AJ moves in with Jen and co in Bellefonte PA

Other occupants: Angel, Jack, Ami, Mela, Jess, Joaquin

Oct 2004

Dec 2004

Icarus shares his story 

The first iteration of the FF7 is posted and demon-sushi goes live

Apr 2005 is given to Theo

Jack gives to Theo shortly after demon-sushi goes live


The Sarah Saga is published

12 entries would be published in the lj group Housemate Horrors

Jul-Aug 2008

Angel and Jack leave Jen


Theo gives up

The new owner has nothing to do Jen


The People

The people involved in our story thus far. 


Jen Cornet / Jenova

The antagonist of FF7 House tale and other stories in the Jen Saga. Known to be active between the years 2001-2015. We don't know what she's doing today. Read Jen's description of herself here



Met Theo and Jack/Hojo in 1999. Had a falling out with Jen in 2002. In 2008 the Sarah Saga would be published and falsely tied to her name 

FF7 House | Aeris's Story


Lived with Jen, Angel, Jack, Jess, AJ, Mela and Joaquin in 2004, Bellefonte PA

AJ's Story 


Stayed with Jen, Angel and Hojo in 2003/04



Was one of Jen's partners from 2001-2009

FF7 House | Theo's Story | AJ's Story


Lived with Jen, Angel, Jack, Jess, Mela and Ami in 2004, Bellefonte PA

AJ's Story


Purchased a house, lived with Jen, Jack, Joaquin, Ami, AJ and Jess in 2004,  Bellefonte PA

AJ's Story 


Met Jack/Hojo, Jen and Aeris in 1999. Would inherit from 2006-2015

Theo's Story


Lived with Jen, Angel, Jack, Jess, Ami, Mela and Joaquin from Oct-Dec 2004

AJ's Story


Would join Jen and Jack/Hojo in 2003

Eliot's Story | Theo's Story | AJ's Story

Icarus / Zack

Original author of the FF7 house and webmaster of demon-sushi

FF7 HouseInterview | Theo's Story


Lived with Jen, Angel, Jack, Ami, Mela, Joaquin and AJ in 2004, Bellefonte PA

AJ's Story


Went to school with and knew Jack before Jen

Marley's Story 


Dated Jen from Dec 2000-Summer 2001

Nate's Story

Other Mentions

Above we focus on the people that were directly involved with Jen in an extended or personal context. Below are the other individuals that have been mentioned

  • Cid: Helped Icarus escape Jen in 2002
  • Gast: Lived with Jen + Jack when Icarus first moved in (2002) 
  • Maya: Jen tried to convince Maya and her roommate to move in with them 
  • Mellon: Friend of Icarus's that got involved with Jen ~2002/2003 
  • Mire: Friend of Icarus's that temporarily got involved with Jen ~2002/2003 
  • Owen: Encountered Jen+Jack online ~2001 
  • Reno: friend of Icarus, met AJ in June 2004 
  • Walrus: His cousin and brother got wrapped up with Jen online 
  • Kacey/Akira/Roan/Karen/Ash/Kelly: The suspected authors of the Sarah Saga

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you know where Jen is now?

No. And neither do the survivors. While we're happy to receive any tips you may have in regards to her current activities,  finding Jen is not our primary objective. Our goal is to provide a platform for survivors, to celebrate their stories and show them as more than just the blip in their lives in which Jen inhabited. We strongly encourage people to not reach out to the survivors asking where Jen is, they have done a lot to get as far away from her as possible and they get asked this question far too often

Have you contacted the owner of was originally owned by Jack/Hojo but was given to Theo in 2006, who then passed it on to someone else in 2015

Ok the FF7 House story is true, but what about the Sarah Saga?

The Sarah Saga is not true and in fact was a targeted smear campaign against Aeris by other members of the Suikoden fandom. Find out more about that here

Do you have anything to do with Freddie Lounds/The Tattle-Crime Youtube Channel?

No. We're aware of the work that Tattle Crime has done, and appreciate her sharing her discovery of Jen's presence in the Hannibal fandom circa 2015, but we do not agree with all of her methods of investigation, presentation or the way she represents and interacts with survivors.

You're missing this thing!

If you think we're missing some aspect of the story, definitely feel free to reach out, but there are some things we have purposely chosen not to share out of respect or at the request of survivors. For many this still effects them to this day and can be a very difficult thing to talk about. Not only that, many of the survivors have been consistently harassed over the years by internet detectives, some far less polite than others, so we will do our bests to respect their wishes and protect them 

That's not so-and-so's real name!

As mentioned above, there are times we will purposely change names and details to protect the survivors.  If there are details that we don't know, we will call attention to that and feel free to let us know!

Can you put me in contact with ____?

No. Well maybe. Most survivors do not want to be reminded of this, this is a shadow they have tried very hard to escape. For some it has been decades and it's still something that haunts them. But for those that are willing to be identified we will provide information on their guest page as to where you can find them. But just because they have a presence on the internet, doesn't mean they necessarily want to talk about this. If you do want to talk to them, about this topic feel free to reach out to them, but we request that you treat them with utmost kindness and respect the fact that they may not want to discuss these things. 

But they talked to you!

Yes. We approach the survivors with respect and consideration of the trauma that they have endured. We give them complete control of their narrative and how they would like to be identified. And we give them full license to change their mind at any time. We put their mental health and privacy above the show and work hard to build a personal rapport with them. And because they place this trust in us, we also will protect them and their privacy. Just because they have agreed to work with us, doesn't mean that they want to talk to every person that comes asking. It's important to remember that the survivors do not owe anyone anything, and their requests for privacy should be respected

How could someone be so dumb/naïve/etc to fall for this?

First of all. No. No one chooses to wind up in these situations. Predators like Jen are incredibly good at worming their way into the trust and hearts of people. They seek cracks in a person's armor and wedge themselves in there and they purposely look for people that may not be in the best head space at the time. It's easy as a healthy person with all their needs met and an excellent support system to be unable to imagine being lured into something like this. But you have to remember that the bulk of the survivors were in compromised situations when Jen took advantage of them. If you have ever been in an abusive situation you know how easily a skilled manipulator can bend you to their will. We will not tolerate any mockery or victim-blaming