Join your hosts, Halli, Cayla, Nathan and Courtney as they delve into the always surprising, often creepy, frequently hilarious world of the weirdest things in the human experience. Was Shakespeare a woman? Did you know that there was a secret room in Mount Rushmore? What actually happened to Brittany Murphy? (it's really not as straight forward as you would think)

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When I say that, what comes to mind? The Tuskegee airmen, who were unknowingly subjected to sexually transmitted diseases? The experiments done to those in concentration camps Dachau and Auschwitz? The tuberculosis inoculation tests done on indigenous children in Saskatchewan?

We celebrate another year around the sun for our dear podcast by reviewing this last year's topics and talking about any updates we have since found out

I think we're overdue, by a few years, for a tale of another strange creature. Though this one may not be as chatty as our Gef the Mongoose from way back in the early days of this podcast.